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Live Electromagnetic Energy (EME) testing from Telstra’s 5G mmWave Smart Apartment

  • 28 Mar 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom Meeting, please register to receive the Zoom link


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Live Electromagnetic Energy (EME) testing from Telstra’s 5G mmWave Smart Apartment

Presented by:  Mike Wood & Steve Iskre - Telstra
Phillip Knipe - Total Radiation Solutions

Mike Wood is a Distinguished Professional with Telstra and Principle for Telstra’s Electromagnetic Energy (EME) Strategy, Governance and Risk Management program.  Mike graduated from RMIT and has over 30 years’ experience in mobile network deployment, EME and community consultation and leads Telstra’s 5G EME program.
Mike is currently Chairman of the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 106 which has global responsibility for EME testing standards for mobile phones, devices, wireless networks and radio communications systems including 5G.

Phillip Knipe received a BSc degree in physics in 1990, his MPhil in physics in 2002 and a PhD in physics in 2013 from Murdoch University, Australia. Since 1991 he has worked as a consultant health physicist in the areas of ionising and non-ionising radiation protection in Australia and internationally. In 2002 he set up Total Radiation Solutions which holds ISO 17025 and ISO 17020 accreditations. He has published in peer reviewed journals in the measurement of electromagnetic fields. He is currently a member of Standards Australia Committee TE7 (EMF safety) and has been on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) group responsible for the development and maintenance of the IEC measurement and modelling of radio waves standard (62232) since 2007. He is an affiliate researcher at the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR). He was a committee member of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society (ARPS) executive from 2015 to 2021 and a joint member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA).

Steve Iskra received the B.E. (Hon.) degree in electrical engineering from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 1982 and PhD from RMIT University in 2012. Since joining Telstra in 1982 he has worked in the fields of EMC and EMF safety. He has published in peer reviewed journals in the areas of EMC, human exposure to electromagnetic fields and RF personal dosimetry. He is a past chairman of Standards Australia Committee TE/3 (EMC) and is currently a member of Standards Australia Committee TE/7 (EMF safety). In 2004 he received a Standards Australia award for outstanding service to the national and international work of Committee TE/3. He is an Associate Investigator at the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) and an Adjunct Research Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology.


As part of Telstra’s 5G EME program, we are testing the EME levels in a 5G smart apartment from a range of smart devices and use cases.   5G mmWave provides very high capacity, very high speeds, and very low latency.  This session will provide an overview of the 5G mmWave, our 5G smart apartment, use cases and we will demonstrate how mmWave EME testing is conducted.

Have you ever wondered what the EME levels are like in a smart apartment with many connected devices?  This is your opportunity to have a look at the live EME testing and behind the scenes in our apartment.   This work builds on Telstra’s recent 5G mmWave and 5G smart apartment testing.

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