
Interested in networking with other people involved in radiation protection? Joining ARPS is the best way to tap into a wealth of expertise, and to keep your skills up-to-date.

ARPS also contributes in shaping international strategies and recommendations by being represented within the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA).  Your membership also supports attendance of young professionals, preferably from developing countries, at IRPA Congresses as ARPS donates to the IRPA Montreal Fund.

ARPS was proud to be a supporting organisation for the International Commission on Radiological Protection’s Free the Annals initiative.

ARPS offers corporate membership and four (4) levels of membership for individuals: Affiliate, Associate, Member, and Fellow. Requirements for each level are listed in the relevant application form. 


For students

Benefits for students includes, but is not limited to:

  • Access to the members only area of the ARPS website
  • Access to local ARPS Branch/ARPS Group news and events
  • Receiving the Journal of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society via email
  • Receiving the ARPS newsletter via email
  • Free access to webinars
  • Free publishing in the Journal of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society
  • Reduced conference attendee rates
  • Access to student funding/sponsorship to assist with career development
  • Access to work opportunities (e.g. work experience and/or mentoring)
  • Access to a professional network and mentorship
  • Access to ARPS cognate societies
  • Notifications of job vacancies relating to radiation protection

For individuals

Benefits for individuals includes, but is not limited to:
  • Subscription to the ARPS Journal: Radiation Protection in Australasia
  • Publishing fee waived when publishing articles into JRPR
  • Free access to ARPS webinars
  • ARPS website Member Zone, Forums access, and mailing list
    • for rapid communication with other ARPS members
    • for updates on relevant events and opportunities for professional advancement
  • Automatic membership to the relevant ARPS Branch
  • Awards, prizes, and scholarships
  • Discounted subscription to the American Health Physics journal
  • Discounted cost of the Annals of the ICRP (25% discount)
  • Discounted ARPS conference tickets
  • Availability of support for attending conferences/meetings 
  • Ensures your views, and the views from Australasia, are represented at State, national and international forums
  • Potential to represent ARPS on State, national or international radiation protection committees
  • Members of the ARPS can attend AIOH conferences, seminars, training programmes and functions, and purchase each AIOH publications, etc. at the applicable AIOH member rates.

Corporate members

ARPS corporate membership is available to companies who conduct business in the field of radiation protection and offers an opportunity for industry and individual members of ARPS to join together to form long-term, quality relationships.  Tangible benefits include:

  • Radiation professionals know about your products, existence and the services your company provides
  • Subscription to the ARPS Journal: Radiation Protection in Australasia, including online access
  • Subscription to the ARPS Newsletter
  • Participation in all ARPS scientific activities
  • Provides an opportunity to interact with members through advertising on the website and attendance at conferences and other meetings
  • Free access to quarterly ARPS webinars for an unlimited number of individuals
  • Free job advertisement through the ARPS website, Journal, Newsletter, and email direct to members
  • Discounted advertising rates in the Journal, and on the website
  • Discounted exhibitor sponsorship price at national conferences, dependent on exhibitor package
  • Electronic logo and name shown on the ARPS website
  • Electronic corporate membership logo for use on your website and communications
  • Notification of relevant radiation protection announcements
  • Notification of all relevant national and international events
  • Notification of State Branch activities

ARPS welcomes the opportunity to hear from corporate members about suggestions for other benefits, or any feedback, to ensure on-going corporate support.

How to join

ARPS offers five (5) levels of membership for individuals: Student, Affiliate, Associate, Member, and Fellow. Individuals requirements for each level are listed in the application forms below.

ARPS Student Membership Application

ARPS Membership Application

ARPS Fellowship Application

ARPS Corporate Application

ARPS 2025 annual fees and requirements

Annual corporate membership fees and costs and general requirements for each membership level are listed below.  Specific requirements are detailed in the relevant application form.

ARPS corporate membership is not intended to be a certification of radiation safety competency or that ARPS guarantees any services provided by a Corporate member.   All ARPS members are expected to act in accordance with the Code of Ethics.

Students Affiliates Associates Members

Minimum Educational Qualifications  - Enrolled in either a college, university, or vocational course.

Ineligible for grade of Associate or higher

Is Ineligible for grade of Member

3 + Year full-time approved degree  or diploma
3 + Year full-time approved degree
1 Year post-graduate course  
Minimum Radiation Protection Experience  Interest in radiation protection or related science. - Interest in radiation protection or related science. < 1 Year 1 + Years 5 + Years*
Endorsement Required for Application -
No Endorsement required No Endorsement required Endorsement required from 2 Members/Fellows Endorsement required from 2 Members/Fellows Support required from 2 Fellows or Honorary Fellows


 $509.00 Free**
$140.00 $153.00 $191.00 $191.00

Retired Fee

 - - $49.00 $54.00 $67.00 $67.00

*Significant contribution to the field of radiation protection and/or the Society
**For the purposes of the application process, students should be required to provide evidence of full-time enrolment with their application (to the satisfaction of the nominators), and expected completion date of the student’s studies.

Applications received to the Secretariat between:
  • January  June applicants will be invoiced a full year fee and will receive any back copies of the combined Journal & Newsletter for the year.
  • July September half the full year fee will be invoiced.
  • October December a full year fee will be invoiced which will include the final 2 months of current year plus the coming year.

Job vacancies

Upcoming events

Webmaster Matthew Wiggins

 Copyright © ARPS 2021