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  • 16th SPERA - South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association Conference

16th SPERA - South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association Conference

  • 28 Nov 2022
  • 30 Nov 2022
  • Haere-roa Event Centre, Christchurch New Zealand

SPERA 2022 will take place from Monday 28 November to Wednesday 30 November with an optional RACI Workshop held on Thursday 01 December.

The conference is being held at Haere-roa Event Centre, Christchurch New Zealand.

The program will cover all aspects of environmental radioactivity, ranging from advances in methods, new research in radioecology and emergency preparedness and in contaminated sites as well as applications of radiotracers in environmental processes. We aim to have as many oral presentations as possible in the various sessions and a large selection of posters that shall boost debate and discussion amongst attendees. This will be complemented by several exciting talks by invited speakers. Our four themes are Instruments & Method Development, Contaminated Sites – impact assessment & Emergency preparedness, Radioecology and Radiotracers in environmental processes.

Our keynote speakers will address our theme Connecting People, Developing Solutions for a Changing environment and will provide opportunities to meet the experts, listen, debate and network with your colleagues. Of course we also have a fabulous Conference Dinner planned which will be held at the International Antarctic Centre.

Find more information on the event website.

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