Radiation Protection in the Industrial Sector
Presented by: Kathy Lawrenson
Involved in Industrial Radiation Safety for 22 years. Working with our clients to assist them to meet their regulatory obligations, predominantly in Queensland. Member of the Qld Radiation Advisory Council as an Industry Representative. Elected Secretary of the Qld RSUG (Qld Radiation Safety Users Group) in 2004 and President of RSUG in March 2015. My focus as a consultant and President of the Users Group is to encourage a positive safety culture and continuing development of behaviours and values that support the safe and secure use of radiation sources in industry.
ABSTRACT There are approximately 50 operating Coal Mines in Queensland and around 100 metalliferous mines. Geographically, Queensland is close to the largest developing markets in the world. Major mining-related centres in Queensland include Mount Isa, Mackay, Townsville, Gladstone and Rockhampton.
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