
  • 30 Aug 2021 4:12 PM | Matthew (Administrator)

    Science & Technology Australia invites candidates for several positions on there Board.

    To nominate, the nominee must be a member of an STA ordinary member (non-affiliate). You can find the full list of eligible organisations here.

    They are seeking outstanding candidates to make an active, thoughtful, skilled and principled contribution to STA.

    In line with our Reconciliation Action Plan commitments, we particularly welcome nominations from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

    They are also seeking nominations from candidates with experience or qualifications in law/governance, financial management, or HR.

    STA encourages candidates from other traditionally under-represented groups including people with disability, members of the LGBTIQ+ community, and strong cultural diversity.

    Candidates from the historically under-represented States/Territories – especially Tasmania, the Northern Territory and Western Australia – are also encouraged to nominate.

    Positions currently vacant 
    They are currently accepting nominations for the following Cluster Group representatives (you will find a position description for the roles here) for two-year appointments to the STA Board:

    • Aquatic Sciences*
    • Medical and Cognitive Sciences*
    • General member representative (Non-disciplinary based. Must be a member of an ordinary member in any cluster and a member of or employed by a member in the General Cluster)

    *Must be a member of an ordinary member in the cluster for which you nominate.

    Before nominating, please read the position description for STA Board Members. It outlines responsibilities and time commitments. Please also note that nominees must sign a declaration that their cluster-aligned membership organisation is aware of their nomination.

    Nominations can be made online here.


    • 30 August 2021 – Applications open
    • 1 October 2021 – Applications close
    • 4-15 October 2020 – Cluster Elections
    • 28 October 2020 – Announcement of new Cluster Representatives
    Any questions please contact the STA staff at
  • 27 Aug 2021 10:14 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

    The NSW Government is reviewing the Act to ensure that the objectives of the Act are still valid and the terms of the Act are able to secure those objectives.

    The Act regulates radioactive substances and equipment in New South Wales, to ensure that radiation is used, stored and disposed of safely.

    The EPA has responsibilities under the Act, including issuing licences to manage or use radioactive substances and equipment, and regulating radiation practices in NSW.

    The EPA has developed an Issues Paper as part of the review of the Act, in consultation with the Radiation Advisory Council and NSW government agencies. The Issues Paper will help individuals and organisations to provide submissions on the review of the Act.

    Matters addressed in the Issues Paper include:

    • Policy objectives of the Act
    • Authorisation of radiation practices
    • Security of radioactive sources
    • Enforcement provisions
    • Radiation Advisory Council
    The Issues Paper can be accessed at, where you may complete a survey or make a submission.

    The consultation is open until 20 September 2021.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at
  • 6 Aug 2021 4:50 PM | Matthew (Administrator)

    The AIP is hosting exciting presentation for National Science Week. Check it out by following:

  • 4 May 2021 8:35 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

    The results are in!

    At the beginning of July 2021, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) will have a new Chair for the first time since 2009, as, having served three terms as Chair, Claire Cousins (United Kingdom) is retiring from ICRP. Under her leadership, ICRP has made great improvements in transparency, accountability, and sustainability, and launched a major review and revision of the System of Radiological Protection.

    Other members retiring from the ICRP Main Commission are Vice-Chair Jacques Lochard (France), John Harrison (United Kingdom), and Carl-Magnus Larsson (Australia). Their dedication to ICRP over many years will be sorely missed.

    Werner Rühm (Germany) will become the Chair of ICRP at the commencement of the new term on 1 July 2021, the 13th Chair since the inception of ICRP in 1928. Donald Cool (United States) will move from the position of Chair of Committee 4 (Application of the Recommendations) to become ICRP Vice-Chair.

    Kimberly Applegate (United States) will continue as Chair of Committee 3 (Medicine). Joining her are first-time Committee Chairs Dominque Laurier (France) for Committee 1 (Effects), Francois Bochud (Switzerland) for Committee 2 (Doses), and Thierry Schneider (France) for Committee 4 (Application).

    Simon Bouffler (United Kingdom), Kunwoo Cho (Korea), Michiaki Kai (Japan), Senlin Liu (China), and Sergey Romanov (Russian Federation) will continue as members of the Main Commission. Elected for the first time are Gillian Hirth (Australia) and Andrzej Wojcik (Sweden).

  • 4 May 2021 8:31 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

    From 17–21 May 2021 CASANZ are holding a virtual event. There theme this year draws upon Air Quality in Unprecedented Times.

    The event will provide an update on the state of science and advancements within the air quality industry, whilst also reviewing Air Quality in Unprecedented Times, taking a closer look at what impacts the bushfires, COVID-19 pandemic has had on humans, on societies, the environment and economies.

  • 19 Apr 2021 9:32 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

    The Spanish Society of Medical Physics and the Spanish Society for Radiological Protection have been arranging their 7th Joint Congress, which will be held from 31st May to 4th June of 2021 in Online format. All organizational details are posted on the website

    It is a Spanish Congress, but we want the participation of colleagues from all over the world, for this, we have enabled a free special fee, which will allow visualize all the plenary lectures in their original language during the days of the Congress (from May 31 to June 4 ) and these conferences will remain accessible for viewing in english (translated or subtitled) on the Congress platform from June 7th to July 5th.

    In addition, during the days of the Congress you can also participate in networking with the rest of the participants.

    For this reason, we ask you to collaborate with the dissemination of the event, we have indicated the website of the event and attached a 1st newsletter that hereinafter you will begin to receive from our Technical Secretariat. We ask you to make the best possible broadcasting through your website, social networks, newsletters, press releases,….

    If you need any clarification or extra documentation, do not hesitate to contact us or our technical secretariat, cevents, .

  • 11 Mar 2021 6:01 PM | Matthew (Administrator)

    Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the tsunami that caused major damage to the Fukushima-Daichi nuclear power plant. UNSCEAR have made an advanced released of a follow up report on Levels and Effects of Radiation Exposure due to the nuclear accident, the UNSCEAR 2020 Report. More information

    The World Health Organisation’s Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network (REMPAN) are holding a Webinar on 23 March 2021 to make 10 years since the Fukushima Disaster. The webinar topic is Public Health consequences of Fukushima nuclear disaster: 10 years towards recovery.

    More information and registration is on the WHO website:

  • 26 Feb 2021 12:31 PM | Matthew (Administrator)

    ICRP is giving out free registration for the Vancouver symposium.

    For the FREE registration competition, the last day to enter is February 28.  The link anyone can enter the draw on is  

  • 8 Feb 2021 11:34 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

    Keith Baldry has announced that on 4 February 2021 the Radiation Protection and Control Bill 2021 passed its final stages in the Legislative Council and will now become an Act of Parliament.

    This is a landmark step for radiation protection in South Australia. Among many reforms and improvements, the new Act introduces a general duty of care, and a risk based harms approach including establishing the offence of causing radiation harm. It also introduces tools such as Orders to enable more effective regulatory approaches. The new Act enables us to implement important national commitments such as for security of radioactive sources. It will enable us to move to more modern, risk based regulatory approaches.

    I would like to acknowledge the contribution from the EPA radiation and legislative policy teams who have effectively drafted the Bill and steered it through Parliament. I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of EPA staff who have since left the organisation. The next steps include formulating regulations under the Act, which will include a consultation process.

    Keith is the Director of Science and Information at the South Australian Environment Protection Authority

    ARPS members are have contributed consultation on the Bill, and look forward to engaging with EPA to develop the Regulations. ARPS would like to congratulate the SA EPA and their staff for achieving this milestone.

  • 4 Feb 2021 10:20 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

    Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection are now available on the there website.

    Or a direct link to the PDF download

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